Bylaws and Code of Conduct

BYLAWS of the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Alumni Association


1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Alumni Association (BRCAA).


2.1 ​General Purpose​. The Corporation is organized and operated exclusively as a Social Club organized and operated for the pleasure and recreation of its members.

2.2 ​Specific Purposes​. The specific purposes of the BRCAA include, without limitations, to the following:

(a) To maintain the camaraderie of all former Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders.
(b) To support local and national charitable organizations
(c) To support ​support fellow alumni who are in need

​3.1 Qualifications for Membership​. To qualify for the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader Alumni Association (BRCAA), the applicant must have completed one full season as a Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader. A full season is defined as being employed by the Baltimore Ravens Organization as a Cheerleader from the start of the season (upon being selected as a Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader) through the end of the season (at the completion of football season).

3.2 How to Become a Member:
1) Apply for membership using the form here
2) Pay for the membership term
3) Agree to and abide by the current Bylaws and Code of Conduct as listed at the time of applying.

3.3 Membership Dues. The cost of dues shall be determined by the Committee based on estimated operating and administrative expenses of the BRCAA. Payment is due on April 1st of that current year. All members, including the BRCAA Committee Members, shall pay annual membership dues to the BRCAA in such amounts and in such manner as the Committee determines from time to time, unless otherwise specified.

Membership is based on a “cheerleading” year, April 1 – March 31.

3.4 Termination of Membership. The membership for each member of the BRCAA will terminate upon the member’s death, resignation, expulsion, or failure to pay dues as next described. Members terminated as a result of expulsion, may not renew their membership in the BRCAA without obtaining the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of all the Directors.

3.5 Suspension and Expulsion​. Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership upon affirmative vote by at least two-thirds (2⁄3) of all Directors if, in the discretion of the Board as indicated by such vote, such suspension or expulsion would be in the best interest of the BRCAA. Nothing in the Bylaws and Code of Conduct shall be construed as granting to any member a continued membership or expectation of membership in the BRCAA. Cause shall include, without limitation, to violation of the BRCAA Code of Conduct.


4.1 Private Inurement​. ​No part of the net income or net assets of the Corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, or members. Specifically Corporation revenue generated from non-members shall not be used to the personal advantage of the members (such as in reduced dues, improved facilities, and the like). However, the Corporation is authorized to pay reasonable compensation to members for services actually rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its tax exempt purposes.

4.2 ​Non-Discrimination​. In the conduct of all aspects of its activities, the BRCAA shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or political affiliation.

4.3 Intolerable Behavior at Events. This includes BRCAA produced events (ex: Homecoming, Hall of Fame Banquet, etc) and/or Ravens Organization events (ex: Games, Training Camp, Purple Friday, etc). Adherence to the rules for all events organized by the BRCAA/Ravens Organization is a requirement. If your actions may jeopardize the safety and security of others at an event, or ability to host future events, your membership could be suspended or revoked. Access to the stadium, indoor practice facility, and other event venues is a privilege, not a right.

4.4 ​Conflict of Interest​. ​A conflict of interest occurs when a person under a duty to promote the interests of the BRCAA (a “fiduciary”) is in a position to promote a competing interest instead. Fiduciaries include all Corporation members, directors or officers and members of any Corporation committee. Undisclosed or unresolved conflicts of interest are a breach of the duty to act in the best interest of the Corporation and work to the detriment of the Corporation.

4.5 ​Typical Conflict Situations​. Conflicts of interest are likely to arise whenever a fiduciary has a personal interest in a vendor of goods or services to the BRCAA.

4.6 ​Discharging Conflicts of Interest​. All conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the Board of Directors. After disclosure is made, the individual with a conflict in interest must not participate in judging the merits of that interest. That is, such individual must abstain from voting on, or recommending a course of action with respect to the situation giving rise to the conflict. When these are done, the conflict of interest has been properly discharged.

4.7 ​Criminal Charges. All individuals associated with the BRCAA are accountable for their actions, both within and outside its premises. Criminal charges brought against an individual shall not be taken lightly, and the BRCAA is committed to upholding the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law.

The BRCAA committee may choose to suspend an individual facing criminal charges from participating in BRCAA-related activities pending the outcome of an investigation. Such suspension shall be carried out in a fair and unbiased manner, prioritizing the interests of justice.

If an individual facing criminal charges is acquitted or if the charges are dismissed, the BRCAA committee shall take steps to reinstate their membership and rights within the BRCAA, ensuring minimal disruption.

In the event of a conviction or guilty plea related to criminal charges, the BRCAA committee shall assess the implications on the individual’s continued affiliation. Decisions in such cases shall be taken with due consideration of the BRCAA’s mission, values, and the safety of its members.


9.1. ​Right to Indemnification​. ​Each person who was or is a party to or is threatened to be made a party to or is involved in any action, suit, or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, or investigative, formal or informal (hereinafter referred to as a “proceeding”), by reason of the fact that he or she, or a person of whom he or she is the legal representative, is or was a director or officer of the Corporation or, while serving as a director or officer of the Corporation, is or was serving at the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, the Corporation shall indemnify any such person seeking indemnification in connection with a proceeding, or part thereof, initiated by the person only if the proceeding, or part thereof, was authorized by the Board of Directors of the BRCAA. To the extent authorized by state law, the BRCAA may, but shall not be required to, pay expenses incurred in defending a proceeding in advance of its final disposition. The right to indemnification conferred in this article shall be a contract right.

Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Alumni Association Code of Conduct

Member Pledge

I pledge to uphold the spirit of the BRCAA Code of Conduct (the “Code”), which offers a guide to my conduct as a member of the National Football Cheerleaders Alumni Organization (NFCAO), Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Alumni Association (the “BRCAA”) Chapter. I acknowledge that I have a right to a hearing as set forth by the BRCAA Bylaws if charged with a violation of this Code. I have familiarized myself with the Code and understand that acceptance of its provisions is a condition of my membership to the NFCAO BRCAA Chapter.

As a Member of the BRCAA, I hereby promise and agree that I:
• have read and accepted the BRCAA Bylaws listed above;
• will uphold and respect the confidence and personal information of other members;
• will not share the BRCAA or NFCAO members only website password with anyone;
• will not engage in any conduct that is criminal under any laws applicable to me;
• will not misrepresent or misuse the BRCAA or NFCAO name at anytime;
• have never been convicted of violating a criminal law and have no pending indictment or a pending charge, except as I have listed separately (except for misdemeanors, which, if known, would not be a factor in my selection to a Chapter or convictions as a minor which have been legally sealed), and I understand that such conviction, indictment or criminal charge may be cause for my not being accepted as a member;
• will respect the property of others whether personal or public, including property and equipment owned by the BRCAA or the NFCAO;
• will respect all BRCAA/NFCAO members and engage in no form of discriminatory behavior or verbal, physical, or sexual harassment or abuse; will wear designated apparel at all official BRCAA/NFCAO events and maintain acceptable levels of professionalism and conduct while representing the BRCAA;
• agree to be filmed and photographed by the official photographer(s) and network(s) of BRCAA/NFCAO under conditions authorized by BRCAA/NFCAO and give event organizers and BRCAA/NFCAO the right to use my name, picture, likeness, voice, and biographical information before, during, and after the period of my participation in these activities to promote the activity in which I participate or to promote the success of the BRCAA/NFCAO; in no event may BRCAA/NFCAO or the event organizers use or authorize the use of my name, picture, likeness, voice, and biographical information for the purpose of profit, including any use in a manner that would imply an endorsement of any company, product, or service, without my written permission;
• will not use or authorize the use of photographs, films, or videos of myself or Chapter members in BRCAA/NFCAO apparel or the use of the BRCAA/NFCAO logo for the
purpose of profit, without the prior written consent of the BRCAA/NFCAO;
• will not engage in any political activities during BRCAA/NFCAO events or while representing the BRCAA/NFCAO;
• will not author, forward, or post vulgar texts, photographs, or other inappropriate content online;
• understand that disciplinary action for violation of any provision in this Code of Conduct may include any or all of the following: (i) a verbal or written reprimand; (ii) suspension from the BRCAA; (iii) removal from the BRCAA; or (iv) any combination of the foregoing.
• have a right to a hearing per BRCAA Bylaws prior to BRCAA denying the right to be a member.
• may contact the BRCAA at for further information regarding my rights under this Code.